How to find strength to prepare mentally to a big challenge?

We are in October 2021… where do we stand with our project? There are already key learnings to share actually. This is the first one: how to deal with solitude and fatigue while preparing for big projects. This is indeed the first challenge. How to wake up every day, work, and keep in a corner of one’s mind that, one day will be the day to do what we kept on thinking over the years… ? How is it possible not to give up when projects need several years of preparation with team members living in different countries, and exchanging only during unregular zoom web-conferences? My answer is: clutching at rare magical moments of pure happiness… What am I talking about? These are those very rare moments, when you are on the edge of giving up, tired, feeling like crying because of psychological exhaustion. At this point, we are almost ready to collapse, but accepting to make a step further and letting go will open a new world where we discover suddenly the pleasure of accomplishment, and the environment looks again shinier and friendlier. Sometimes overcoming means “stop to fight” and “let it go”, accepting the defeat relieves from a lot of pressure. And this little breath is enough… Enough to enjoy again a new well-being. If I illustrate this through a recent experience, I would refer to my swimming. I was always a very poor swimmer and I recently decided to face this difficulty to get out my comfort zone and prepare thus mentally to MYAU. So, one rainy morning, I had to be at the pool at 7am, I was super tired, but I went and let it go. The reward was like magic: a new take off for the day because I let it go…

My advice: create some opportunities to experience these kind of happy moment as often as possible! Do not forget that plenty of people, fighting against rare diseases will never have as many opportunities as you if you have the chance to have healthy body and mind. Enjoy your day!

Lien FMR:


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